A Caring Place | Cincinnati Nonprofits
A Caring Place Pregnancy Help Center is one of the Cincinnati nonprofits geared toward helping women (and men) through an untimely pregnancy. Non-judgmental help and support will be provided to you as you navigate your options. Several other services, education, and assistance are provided by A Caring Place as well, at no cost to you.
Services offered by A Caring Place:
#1 FREE pregnancy testing
**Photo ID required
#2 FREE Ultrasound
**When deemed appropriate me the center’s executive/medical director
#3 Abortion information/consultation
**Information provided to help mother make the best possible decision for her baby. A Caring Place does NOT perform/refer for abortion.
#4 Adoption Information & Referrals
**Discuss with you the process of creating an adoption plan. Refer you to one of several reputable agencies in the area if you decide to place.
For more information about adoption, please visit: Adoption Information & Referrals
Related Post: You’re more than a “birth mom”
#5 Post-abortion support
**Path to Peace is a program for ANYONE who has had their life touched by abortion.
**Forgiven and Set Free is a Bible study program designed to provide spiritual support to anyone hoping to ‘set free’ any shame or guilt lingering from an abortion decision.
For more information about these classes, please visit: Post-Abortion Support
#6 Sexual integrity support
**FREE 2-hour, activity-based presentation for girls 11+ focused on practicing abstinence.
#7 Material assistance
**Miranda’s Closet provides gently-used material items for mom and baby including: clothing, diapers, wipes, food and equipment. Clients may ‘shop’ 4x a year. An additional 2x may be awarded for completing the financial life skills program.
#8 FREE parenting classes
**H.O.P.E. (Helping Ourselves Parent Effectively) is an 8 week course for mom and dad covering topics such as: baby care basics, baby health/nutrition, SIDS education, car seat safety, anger management, infant CPR, and discipline. Participants that complete this program are awarded with a new crib or car seat.
For more information on this class, please visit: Parenting Classes
#9 FREE financial life skills classes
**Work one-on-one with a trained financial mentor in this 2-class course. Learn how to create a budget, get out of debt, and much more. Upon completion, participants will receive a box of diapers AND two more trips to Miranda’s Closet.
For more information on this course, please visit: Personal Finance Classes
#10 Just for men help
Whether your partner has: just told you they’re pregnant, had an abortion, or is considering adoption/abortion/parenting, A Caring Place is there to talk you through it.
For more information on this service, please visit: Just For Men

How to get involved:
#1 Give Financially
**Donate NOW by clicking the button above. For more information and other ways to donate, please visit: Financial Opportunities
Did you know?!?! Some employers have an employee match for donations to nonprofits (including recurring donation)! Check with your employer to see what nonprofit companies qualify for match.
#2 Amazon Smile
**Ordering through Amazon Smile allows a percentage of all ordered items to be donated to a nonprofit of your choosing. To choose A Caring Place, please visit: Amazon Smile
#3 Donate Items
**A Caring Place is ALWAYS in great need of donated items, such as: clothing, furniture, food, formula, diapers, wipes, new bottles, etc…
To learn more and connect with someone about how to donate, please visit: Donate Items
Don’t live in the area?! Order through Amazon and ship to:
A Caring Place
4446 Mt. Carmel Tobasco Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45244
**Please contact before shipping.
#4 Kroger’s Community Rewards
**Connect your Kroger Plus card to a nonprofit to start earning rewards for their cause without it effecting your points!
To learn more and connect today, please visit: Kroger Community Rewards
#5 Baby Bottle Campaign
**The Baby Bottle Campaign is how A Caring Place is able to keep their doors open! Each year baby bottles are delivered to participating local churches, schools and other groups. The groups fill the bottles with change and they are returned to A Caring Place.
For more information and to learn how to be involved, please visit: Baby Bottle Campaign
#6 Volunteer
**There are several volunteer needs, including: client advocate, committee member, Miranda’s Closet organizer, faculty maintenance, hospitality and prayer team.
To learn more and sign up today, please visit: Volunteer Opportunities

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If you find yourself in the position of needing pregnancy support of any kind, contact A Caring Place by clicking the button below:
Are you ready to be a part of A Caring Place and make a difference today?! To submit an online donation, please click the button below:
All the best,

Deb B.
What a wonderful and safe place to support women and families. Every community needs a center like this!
I am so thankful that there are caring and compassionate places such as this for women and men to go when they need help. It is so important that they can talk with someone without judgement and who can provide support.
This sounds like such a supportive place for women and men.
Luna S
Sounds like an amazing place to help promote and sponsor! They can be such a huge help for men and women who are low income but need access to birth control and more.
Monica Simpson
I love reading about this center! I volunteer as a client advocate/mentor at our local Pregnancy Resource Center.
Anasha Khan
Such an informative and valuable post that can help guide and support moms and other individuals who are looking for a cause or community to support.