Adoption is Love
Adoption is a triad. Adoption is love amongst that triad. No matter what the circumstances, there is love from each member in the triad, for each member in the triad.
The child:
A child is the recipient of love from their birth and adoptive parents. This love may look different than traditional “love”. However, it is love all the same. Bonding with that child at some point within their life has resulted in a lasting love and care for that child.
The child has the more difficult role in this love triad. As they navigate childhood, adolescence and even into adulthood, their perception of their adoption story and all those involved will continue to grow and change.
An adopted child may have connection and attachment concerns/questions/thoughts when it comes to their unique situation.
Do their adoptive parents really love them?
Why did their biological parents place them for adoption?
Did/Do their biological parents (still) love them?
Is it okay to love their biological parents? Will their adoptive parents be mad if they do?
Is it okay to love their adoptive parents? Will their biological parents be mad if they do?
All of these thoughts and anxieties of a young, adopted child must be addressed. Therapy is always a great option for adopted children battling these thoughts. However, education and open communication from the adoptive and birth parents to the child will also form a more solid foundation for that child to not only understand- but also to freely love.
Related post: What Do I Call My Birth Mother?
Book suggestions for adopted children:
The adoptive parent(s):
An adoptive parent has love for both the adopted child and his/her birth parents.
Initial bonding has been shown to be delayed in some cases when parent and child are first placed together. However, that bond and natural love seed and grow just as any biological child/parent sets.
Understanding the sacrifice that the birth parent(s) made within the adoption results in a growing respect and love for the child’s biological parents. Watching their child grow and seeing their similarities both physically and within their personalities to their biological parents only accelerates that loving respect.
Voicing and communicating their love for them (the adopted child) as well as their birth parents, is incredibly important for an adoptive parent. Showing the child that it is okay to love and respect everyone in the triad without shame/fear/inhibition will allow that child to grow emotionally aware and connected.
Book suggestions for adoptive parents:
The birth parent(s):
A birth parent has love for their child as well as their adoptive parents.
Of course the birth parents feel a connection and love for their child. The child is part of them and will always be.
However, a degree of love, respect and appreciation also exists for the adoptive parents to their child. This may vary depending on the circumstances of the adoption, but the understanding that their child is being cared for by the adoptive parents produced some level of love for them.
If part of an open adoption situation, this love can me expressed by the birth parents to the adopted child. This will reaffirm the adopted child’s perspective of their unique adoption situation.
Related post: You’re More Than a “Birth Mom”
Book suggestions for birth parents:
Yes, all adoption situations look different. Some may be less fortunate than others. However, there is still love hindering within each party of the adoption triad. Communicating this love is the most effective way to develop a strong and healthy adoption situation all around. You simply can’t love one part of the triad without the other.
Adoption is mutual respect.
It is mutual understanding.
Adoption is mutual support.
It is mutual appreciation.
Adoption is love…

Have you been thinking about adoption, but don’t know where to start?
Or maybe you have started doing some research on the process and are starting to get overwhelmed by the extensive and expensive process?
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- How to self promote
- What to expect when meeting with birth mothers
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I miss having a baby. Those days are short and can be stressful. But they were 100 percent worth it. I’ve considered adopting or even fostering. Just not sure how I would do since I do have some health problems.
Farrah Less
Before I become a parent I was struggling with pregnancy and was open for adoption. I think everyone who is capable to adopt a kid will do so rather than be hopeless and sad of not having a child.
I totally agree that adopting a child is love. Thanks for creating this post.
Melissa Cushing
doption is a beautiful thing and I would love to adopt myself. My mom and step dad adopted 😉
I’m sure it’s a struggle for everyone at times and in different ways. How wonderful to step out and adopt though. That is a very loving and wonderful choice to make for everyone involved.
Amber Myers
Adoption is such a beautiful thing. I am always in awe of the families who do it and I love when they share their stories.
Ryan Escat
This is a really wonderful post! I absolutely agree with Adaption is Love. I really enjoy reading this!
Gervin Khan
Such an amazing post and very heartwarming. Adoption is really defined as love. Such a great definition!
Ivan Carlo Jose
Adoption is a noble act. Imagine being able to share your love with someone who is unrelated to you. That’s unconditional.
Kelli A
If I was able to financially adopt, I’d adopt as many kids as I could or that were willing. It would be a dream. Especially older kids and teens.
Hannah Bures
How sweet this is! My husbands family adopted his youngest sister and its increidble to hear their stories about it!
Melanie Edjourian
Adoption isn’t always easy. There needs to be love from various aspects for it to work.
I am so agree that adopting a child is love. Even that I have my own children, I would like to adopt or help a kid someday or just give him/her some love!
Love this post so much! Absolutely adoption is love ❤️! Respect, understanding, care and love. Such a great resource for parents who are looking to adopt, thank you for sharing!
Beautiful Touches
This is all so very true, and I am glad that there are people on Earth with enough love in their hearts to help these innocents out of bad situations and provide them with the love and care they would need to thrive!