• sloppy joes with tomato soup

    Classic Sloppy Joes with Tomato Soup Recipe

    My mom recently gave me this sloppy joes with tomato soup recipe. Her mother, my grandmother, used to work as a lunch lady in the cafeteria of her school. This is the classic sloppy joe recipe that was used for YEARS and that my mom, a former professional chef, still uses today because it is THAT GOOD! I was telling my mom about how difficult it is for me to get my toddler to eat vegetables when she gave me this easy sloppy joe recipe. She told me that she had yet to meet a child that didn’t LOVE these classic, homemade sloppy joes with hidden vegetables. At first I…

  • differences between biological and adoptive parenting

    Differences Between Biological and Adoptive Parenting

    There shouldn’t be many differences between biological and adoptive parenting. Your child is your child, regardless of DNA. There should be no difference in their treatment or upbringing. However, there are differences in relationships that you must be aware of and prepared for when parenting adopted children: #1 Biological Family The sense of security comes from knowing where you come from and where you belong. Allowing and encouraging your child to explore their biological family history may be beneficial to the child. If the adoption is closed and no/not much information was given to you about their biological family, consider doing genetic testing. Nebula Genomics offers a 30x whole-genome sequencing…

  • biological family

    Biological Family | Genetics & Medical History

    Adoption can lead to many questions. One of the most common questions being, “Who is my biological family?”. From this question arises several other questions. Who am I related to? What nationalities am I? What is my biological family’s medical history? If you have an open adoption you have an advantage when it comes to answering these questions about your child’s biological family. Depending on the relationship between the adoptive and biological mothers/families, these questions may be able to be easily asked and answered. For example, when I take my daughters to the doctor, sometimes they ask me questions about their biological family medical history. If I don’t know the…

  • how many 0-3 clothes do I need

    How Many 0-3 Clothes Do I Need? | Baby Preparation

    Preparing for a new baby is exciting but it can also be quite daunting. Walking through a baby store or looking at all the different “must have” lists out there can rid new mommies with all kinds of anxiety. You may be asking yourself, “What do babies actually need?”. This is especially true when it comes to clothing for baby. All of the clothes are just so cute, how do you not want to buy them all? Especially the teeny tiny outfits! Before you go overboard though, ask yourself, “How many 0-3 clothes do I NEED?”. Related Post: Top 3 Organization Tips for New Moms There are a few things to consider before…

  • funny questions to ask kids about their parents

    88 Funny Questions to Ask Kids About Their Parents

    Conduct an impromptu interview with these funny questions to ask kids about their parents. I guarantee that their answers will be both enlightening and HILARIOUS! Ask them all or just choose a few! Keep record of their answers and the age they were when they answered them for them to look back at later!  Or share their answers on social media and challenge your friends to ask their kids the same things! Sporadic interview questions are one of my favorite things to do with my 3 year old. I will ask her the same series of questions just about every month. It’s so fun to watch as some answers remain consistent…

  • quotes about infertility

    Quotes About Infertility Struggles

    Infertility is one of the most challenging struggles one might face in their life. It breaks your heart, crushes your dreams, and ruins your reality. This compilation of quotes about infertility struggles won’t fix your body, but hopefully they will help to restore your head space. Please know that you are not alone in your struggle. There are millions of us that are having similar feelings, emotions and thoughts as you are right now. Related Post: Dear Fertile Myrtle, Kindly Shut the F*** Up So if you or someone you know is struggling with infertility, hopefully these 55 quotes about infertility can make this season in your/their life that much…

  • sensory science

    Sensory Science Activity Ideas for Rainy Days

    You’ve probably heard of sensory activities and you’ve probably done several science projects before as well. However, have you ever mixed the two to create multi-educational sensory science activities??? If you’ve read my article, Parent Child Activities | 8 Efficiency Activities for Kids, then you know that I am all about multi-functional activities! Sensory science activities are just that! And as a SAHM I am always looking for educational activities for my kids to do even on rainy days! So what are sensory science activities and why are they beneficial for children? Let’s start with sensory play. What is sensory play/ sensory activities? Sensory play includes activities that stimulate your…

  • adoption home study tips

    Adoption Home Study Tips | The “Do’s & Don’ts”

    The adoption process can be stressful! The home studies for adoption seem to be the most daunting part. Especially for those new to the process. However, with these adoption home study tips, you can prepare for productive, stress-free, successful meetings! If you are just starting to consider adoption and are unsure as to what the process looks like, please check out my article, An Adoption Story | The Process. This article will outline what to expect when starting the adoption process. If you have already started the adoption process by finding an agency then you are probably about to embark on the home study process. This can be a stressful…

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