• free programs pin

    FREE Programs That Give You FREE Cool Stuff

    I have a philosophy in life in which I refuse to pay for things that I can get for free.  That being said, there are A LOT of companies out there that offer “free” stuff but that it not actually the case.  I know that I am not the only person that has received an email or seen an ad that states something like, “Click Here for your FREE $1000 [insert company name her] Gift Card!” and clicked it just to find out that you have to sign up for at least two different monthly subscriptions first… Those things frustrate me!  However, among my search for ACTUALLY free things I…

  • black bean corn salsa fb

    Homemade Black Bean Corn Salsa

    This quick and easy black bean and corn salsa recipe is packed with fiber and FLAVOR! Gaurenteed to delight your taste buds AND your waistline! #fiber #flavor #salsa #healthylifestyle

  • you'll never know dear fb

    You’ll Never Know, Dear | The Meaning Behind the Design

    “You’ll Never Know, Dear” is a line from the famous song, “You are my Sunshine”.  My mom would sing it to me as a little girl all the time.  I had never really thought about the lyrics before adulthood.  However, now I find them relevant in so many situations.  I talked about  one meaning this song has  for me in my post, The 72 Hour Wait | An Adoptive Parent Prospective.  However, in that post, the lyric that had the most effect on my was, “Please Don’t Take my Sunshine Away”. However, “You’ll Never Know, Dear” is the lyric in the song that has had the most meanings throughout my…

  • how to structure your day 2

    How to Structure your Day as a SAHM | Plan your Day

    Before I became a SAHM I was under the impression that women that stayed at home with their children had all the time in the world… I was WAY wrong!  I was amazed at how quickly each day was passing, yet I felt like I was getting NOTHING DONE!  Because of this, I had to figure out how to structure my day as a SAHM so that I could optimize my time and gain that feeling of accomplishment each night.  So I compiled a list of tips that I follow each day and believe can help you  learn how to plan your day to get the most out each moment…

  • regain sanity pin

    Lose Control | Regain Sanity

    Sometimes the best way to regain sanity is to lose control. Do something unexpected or something you have always secretly wanted to do and see how freeing it can be! #controlfreak #newyearnewyou2021 #relaxalready #releasethereigns #regainsanity #regainyoursanity

  • my lala leggings review pin
    Fitness,  Fun

    My LaLa Leggings Review | Oh La La or Oh Na Na?

    Leggings are fire right now! I personally was slow to jump on bandwagon but once I got on I was hooked!  However, I quickly discovered that there are SO many (almost TOO many) options!  How do you know which ones are good/ bad?  So I started product testing them myself!  During my search for the best leggings out there I stumbled upon My LaLa Leggings.  I had never heard them before but I did like all the design options on their website so I decided to give them a try.  Here is a quick summary of what you will learn as you read my review of My LaLa Leggings: Who…

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    10 Best Tips and Tricks to Speed Up Your Metabolism

    Metabolism is the rate at which the cells in your body break down the calories from food and turn them into energy for daily activities.  There are some factors that a person has no control over when it comes to metabolism, such as: genetics, sex and age.  However, there are also factors that we CAN control: body fat, muscle mass and energy level.  By controlling these factors we are able to slow down or speed up our metabolism!   This article will outline the BEST ways to speed up your metabolism. #1 Build and Maintain Muscle Mass You can do this in one of three ways: Combination Training (resistance and aerobic…

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