Benefits Of Going To The Gym In The Morning
Trying to find the time to workout can be a struggle. The most important thing, though, is it to squeeze some exercise in whenever you can. This is because the benefits of exercise are worth it. However, the benefits of going to the gym in the morning are even more significant.
Let’s first talk about the many health benefits of exercise:
Regular exercise has been proven to reduce risk/ improve various health conditions. The many health benefits of regular exercise include improvements in: mental health, physical health, brain health and many important brain functions, as well as several other health conditions.
Regular exercise helps you to:
1. Control your weight. Coupled with a healthy diet, regular exercise can help you to lose/maintain optimal amount of weight.
Related Article: 10 Best Tips & Tricks to Speed Up Metabolism
2. Help you quit smoking. Regular exercise reduces your cravings and withdrawal symptoms while trying to quit smoking. Because moderate exercise also helps to control your weight, regular exercise will also reduce the amount of weight gain associated with quitting the habit.
3. Control blood sugar/insulin levels. Exercise can help to lower your blood sugar and help insulin work better. This can reduce you risk or help you manage metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
4. Reduce risk of heart diseases. By lowering your blood pressure, strengthening heart muscle, and improving circulation, regular exercise helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attack and high cholesterol.
5. Improve your mental health/mood. Daily exercise releases “happy” hormones. These hormones help to improve your mood, reduce your stress levels and your risk for depression.
6. Maintain higher brain function levels are you age. Regular exercise helps your body to release certain proteins, hormones and other chemicals that help to keep your thinking, learning and judgement skills sharp.
7. Strengthen your bones and muscles. Regular exercise is important to start implementing early in life. As your bones are still growing and calcifying in your youth, routine exercise will help to build stronger bones. As you age, as your bone density is reduced, exercise will help to build muscle (attached to bone) to help you maintain your strength.
8. Reduce risk of some cancers. Studies have shown that routine exercise reduces your risk for certain cancers, such as: uterine, colon, breast, and lung.
9. Reduce risk of falls. This goes to muscle strengthening for older adults. Routinely incorporating strength, resistance, and balance exercises into your daily workout will reduce your risk of fall.
10. Improves your quality of sleep. Having trouble falling asleep/staying asleep? Try incorporating a daily exercise routine!
11. Improves your sexual health. Regular exercise may help to increase arousal in women and decrease erectile dysfunction in men.
12. Increase your chances of living LONGER, healthier and happier life! All of the above benefits of exercise lead to improved chances of living a longer life!

Now let’s talk about the benefits of going to the gym:
Recent research states that going to a gym really does make a difference. Regular gym users are more likely to meet the daily guidelines for physical activity. This is not surprising as people are more prone to following through with things when they perceive that they being held accountable.
If you are not yet a gym member, one thing that you will notice when you begin working out in a gym is that the SAME people are there every time. People are naturally creatures of habit. Once you establish a weekly/daily gym routine, you will start being noticed by the staff and other gym-goers. They will notice when you break your routine and wonder where you have been. Thus, they will hold you accountable. Because of this, you will be more likely to keep your daily workout routine.
**If you are person that needs even more accountability to maintain regular exercise, try signing up for a class or a personal trainer.

Finally, let’s talk about the benefits of going to the gym in the morning:
There are several benefits of going to the gym in the morning rather than other times of the day. The most relevant benefits of going to the gym in the morning include:
- Because your body has elevated levels of cortisol and growth hormone (that help with metabolism) in the morning, morning workouts (especially on an empty stomach) are the BEST time to burn fat and lose weight.
- Working out first thing in the morning will help to shift your ‘body clock’. You will start feeling less groggy and more alert in the morning and get tired quicker in the evening. Thus, helping you to get a good night sleep to do it again in the morning!
- Since exercise helps to improve mental health, mood, reduces stress, anxiety and depression, a morning workout routine may lead to higher levels of productivity.
- By working out in the morning you are more likely to actually work out. If you push off the workout until later in the day, you are more likely to not work out at all. It is harder to motivate yourself to be physically active when you are already physically and mentally drained from the day’s events. Mike and Erica Schultz talk about the importance of doing the most important tasks of the day first in their book, Not Today | The 9 Habits of Extreme Productivity. If you don’t do and FOCUS on what is most important first, then you will be more likely to either not complete the task at al or not complete it as well as you could have.
Related Post: Not Today | The 9 Habits of Extreme Productivity Review
There are several benefits of going to the gym in the morning rather than other times throughout the day. However, if going to the gym in the morning isn’t feasible, going to the gym at any consistent time of the day will increase the likelihood of you maintaining a regular exercise routine. If you are either unable to go to a gym or you are extremely diligent and a self-starter/motivator then working out at home is fine too. The most important thing is that you maintain regular exercise to reap all of the benefits of exercise! Even if you are not reaping all of the benefits of going to the gym in the morning!

I love having a morning workout. Can sometimes be difficult with two little ones, but if I miss it in the morning I love an afternoon swim!
I am such not a morning person, but I can see how there would be a lot of benefits. I need to get into a better workout routine.
Charina Rasing
I need this reminder badly. I have poor exercise habits so this boost will encourage me to be fit and healthy. Thanks for this post.
I have seriously been neglecting exercising though I had gotten off to a pretty good start earlier this year.. your post is inspiring me to at least get zumbaing again in the mornings at home..
Working out in the morning always makes me feel better!
Your post definitely convinced me to start exercising again. I have been in a hiatus because of the pandemic but after being reminded of its benefits — there is no doubt I need to go back to my exercise routine.
Ashley t
I love getting my workout done in the morning. It’s a great start to my day and i feel so much better.