Comfortable Couple Halloween Costumes
Comfortable couple Halloween costumes are hard to come by! It feels like most costumes require the female to wear a short dress and/ heels or they are big and bulky! I don’t know about you, but as soon as I entered motherhood my heels hit the high road and comfort became my #1 objective! Give me sneakers and leggings and I am all about it!
So when I started my Amazon search for comfortable couple Halloween costumes I was looking for things that:
- Could be easily taken on and off.
- Didn’t cover my whole head and neck with just a hole for my face.
- Didn’t come with a ton of accessories or things I’d have to hold.
- Allowed me to wear leggings and sneakers under it.
- Didn’t require crazy makeup.
- Allowed for easy movement.
If that’s the kind of stuff that is important to you when searching for a Halloween costume idea, then this list is for YOU!
So grab your honey and check out these easy Halloween costumes that take the stress out finding the perfect couples costume!
Related Post:
The 11 BEST comfortable couple Halloween costumes on Amazon:
I hope that this list of comfortable couples Halloween costumes helped you to decide on the perfect, couple costume!
Happy Halloween!

These costumes are so cute. And this is such an awesome idea for Halloween!
Ice Cream N Sticky Fingers
I don’t have a significant other but these costumes are super cute. I don’t know what my son is dressing up as yet.
All of these are so adorable. I think I like the Mr. and Mrs. potato head best.
Melanie E
I’ve never considered dressing up for Halloween as a couple. You have some great ideas there!!
Gervin Khan
Wow! These costumes all look cute and awesome! It will only depend on a couple of what they want! For me, I prefer the costumes “T Birds and Pink Ladies” and “Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head”.
Ivan Carlo Jose
Those are cute outfits. Being fun can definitely add spark to any relationship.
Terri Steffes
I’d wear any of these. So cute and they do look comfy.
Beautiful Touches
These couples costumes are so cute and simple, these were great suggestions, the peanut butter and jelly slices are probably my favorites!
These all look like some super fun couple halloween outfits, I the peanut butter and jelly sandwich outfits
Heather @thedomesticdiva
I think the plug and socket outfits are cute. I doubt my husband would wear it though.
Richelle Milar
These are all really great and awesome ideas for a couple Halloween costumes! I really love the salt and pepper!
Monica Simpson
My husband isn’t into dressing up for Halloween but these aren’t terrible! I could maybe convince him with one of these. I love the first one with the loofah.
I love the idea of couples’ costumes, these are all really great costume ideas.
Amber Myers
Oh my gosh, I love all of these choices! I woudl go for the bacon and egg.