
  • trim belly fat

    Top 5 Tricks to Trim Belly Fat in Your 30’s

    Fat loss becomes more challenging after 30 due to various factors. Hormonal changes, decreased muscle mass, added stressors, and a slower metabolism are major contributors. To overcome these added challenges we must focus on maintaining a balanced diet and increasing physical activity. But what does that mean? Most of us think of weight loss as dieting. We think about ourselves running to exhaustion on a treadmill while we live off of rabbit food. Yes, calorie in < calorie out does work to lose weight. However, dieting is just not sustainable. I’ll say it louder for the people in the back…DIETING IS NOT SUSTAINABLE! If you’re anything like me, you’ve tried a…

  • daniel fast
    Fitness,  Food

    Daniel Fast | Daniel Fast Results & Recipes

    The Daniel fast is a biblical fast inspired by the fasting of Daniel. Daniel ate only what grew from the ground and avoided meats as well as other “rich” foods. In the simplest of terms, Daniel ate a vegetarian diet without desserts/sweets of any kind. The church I attend starts every New Year out with a 21-day fast. As a church family, we seek God through prayer and a fasting style of our individual choice. One may choose a water/liquid only fast (cleared my a health professional), fasting/abstaining from certain foods/drinks, or the Daniel fast. I chose to try the Daniel fast for the first time this year and the…

  • rock my run

    Rock My Run | Musical GYMspiration

    Rock My Run is designed and inspired by DJ’s, fitness coaches, and runners. Personalized, DJ created playlists match and track your workout. Rock My Run is also the App Store’s #1 running music app with over 1 million downloads! This app is not just for runners–it can be enjoyed by people doing any exercise activity! Because the app tracks your heartbeat, your music will always flow with whatever you are doing! This app is a game changer for fitness! Raise your hand if music motivates you to start and/ keep working out. My hand is up! Is yours? I bet it is! In fact, a recent study found that over…

  • Healthy Cooking Hacks
    Fitness,  Food

    10 Healthy Cooking Hacks You Need to Know

    Cooking healthy does not have to be hard and eating healthy doesn’t have to taste awful! Sometimes eating healthy just requires tiny adjustments to the foods you already know and love! These 10 healthy cooking hacks are guaranteed to change your perception on dieting and eating healthy! I started incorporating all 10 of these health hacks into my meal planning for my family about a year ago. Since then, my husband has lost over 20 pounds and I have lost over 15! We did this by using these hacks and incorporating them into the 5 F’s diet plan from my article, How to Lose 5 Pounds in a Month |…

  • benefits of going to the gym

    Benefits Of Going To The Gym In The Morning

    Trying to find the time to workout can be a struggle. The most important thing, though, is it to squeeze some exercise in whenever you can. This is because the benefits of exercise are worth it. However, the benefits of going to the gym in the morning are even more significant. Let’s first talk about the many health benefits of exercise: Regular exercise has been proven to reduce risk/ improve various health conditions. The many health benefits of regular exercise include improvements in: mental health, physical health, brain health and many important brain functions, as well as several other health conditions. Regular exercise helps you to: 1.  Control your weight.…

  • my lala leggings review pin
    Fitness,  Fun

    My LaLa Leggings Review | Oh La La or Oh Na Na?

    Leggings are fire right now! I personally was slow to jump on bandwagon but once I got on I was hooked!  However, I quickly discovered that there are SO many (almost TOO many) options!  How do you know which ones are good/ bad?  So I started product testing them myself!  During my search for the best leggings out there I stumbled upon My LaLa Leggings.  I had never heard them before but I did like all the design options on their website so I decided to give them a try.  Here is a quick summary of what you will learn as you read my review of My LaLa Leggings: Who…

  • speed up metabolism pin

    10 Best Tips and Tricks to Speed Up Your Metabolism

    Metabolism is the rate at which the cells in your body break down the calories from food and turn them into energy for daily activities.  There are some factors that a person has no control over when it comes to metabolism, such as: genetics, sex and age.  However, there are also factors that we CAN control: body fat, muscle mass and energy level.  By controlling these factors we are able to slow down or speed up our metabolism!   This article will outline the BEST ways to speed up your metabolism. #1 Build and Maintain Muscle Mass You can do this in one of three ways: Combination Training (resistance and aerobic…


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