
  • a caring place

    A Caring Place | Cincinnati Nonprofits

    A Caring Place Pregnancy Help Center is one of the Cincinnati nonprofits geared toward helping women (and men) through an untimely pregnancy. Non-judgmental help and support will be provided to you as you navigate your options. Several other services, education, and assistance are provided by A Caring Place as well, at no cost to you. Services offered by A Caring Place: #1 FREE pregnancy testing **Photo ID required #2 FREE Ultrasound **When deemed appropriate me the center’s executive/medical director #3 Abortion information/consultation **Information provided to help mother make the best possible decision for her baby. A Caring Place does NOT perform/refer for abortion. #4 Adoption Information & Referrals **Discuss with…

  • not today

    Not Today | The 9 Habits of Extreme Productivity Review

    I recently purchased: Not Today | The 9 Habits of Extreme Productivity because I like to try to read at least one non-fiction book a month. I love reading books that inspire and motivate me to be the best version of myself as possible. Working on myself each day has become a priority for me. This book, Not Today, has helped me to substantially grow as a person, become a more diligent and efficient worker, and to refocus on my priorities and passion. Becoming a stay-at-home mom, I had no idea how much time I WOULDN’T have! My days became so full that I was having trouble organizing the ciaos,…

  • biological family

    Biological Family | Genetics & Medical History

    Adoption can lead to many questions. One of the most common questions being, “Who is my biological family?”. From this question arises several other questions. Who am I related to? What nationalities am I? What is my biological family’s medical history? If you have an open adoption you have an advantage when it comes to answering these questions about your child’s biological family. Depending on the relationship between the adoptive and biological mothers/families, these questions may be able to be easily asked and answered. For example, when I take my daughters to the doctor, sometimes they ask me questions about their biological family medical history. If I don’t know the…

  • how many 0-3 clothes do I need

    How Many 0-3 Clothes Do I Need? | Baby Preparation

    Preparing for a new baby is exciting but it can also be quite daunting. Walking through a baby store or looking at all the different “must have” lists out there can rid new mommies with all kinds of anxiety. You may be asking yourself, “What do babies actually need?”. This is especially true when it comes to clothing for baby. All of the clothes are just so cute, how do you not want to buy them all? Especially the teeny tiny outfits! Before you go overboard though, ask yourself, “How many 0-3 clothes do I NEED?”. Related Post: Top 3 Organization Tips for New Moms There are a few things to consider before…

  • doc band before and after

    Doc Band Before and After | Brachycephaly

    When my daughter was recommended to start DOC band therapy, I had a lot of questions and I wanted to see was DOC band before and after results. Does DOC band therapy actually work? Why do babies need to wear a DOC band? Is it my fault that my baby needs a DOC band? How long do babies wear a DOC band? What does DOC band treatment look like? What happens during DOC band therapy? How much does a DOC band cost? Does insurance cover baby helmets? Related Post: What is Brachycephaly? After doing a ton of research and asking our doctors several questions we decided to start DOC band…

  • toddler refuses to sit on potty

    Toddler Refuses to Sit on Potty | When to Start Potty Training

    Ready to start potty training but your toddler refuses to sit on potty? Maybe your child is showing all the “signs” that the potty training books you’ve read say to look for but you are still experiencing potty training refusal? I’ve been there, too. It can be so frustrating! However, these are simply signs of a strong-willed child. They just don’t want to do anything that isn’t “their idea”. They need to feel like they have control. So when potty training day comes, for kids like this, your potty training method is extremely important. How do you know that when your toddler refuses to sit on potty it’s because they are strong-willed? Do you hear, “I do myself!”, all…

  • why is mental health important

    Why Mental Health is Important | UpMore.Today Review

    Are you tired of the daily grind? Do you want to improve your mental health and well being to lead a more satisfying life? Have you been wondering how to find your purpose in life? Maybe you know why mental health is important for finding meaning in life but you just can’t seem to shake your demons? (This post is sponsored by I’ve been there too. Soon after my husband and I got married almost 10 years ago, we tried to start a family. Long story short, after over a year of disappointment month after month, then 5 years of tests, procedures, 4 rounds of failed IUI and 2 failed IVF cycles we turned to…


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