Funny Truth or Dare Questions
When boredom strikes, have a great laugh with these funny truth or dare questions! Truth or dare has never been so FUNny!
Who doesn’t love a great game of Truth or Dare?!
Truth or Dare is truly a classic game that you can play basically anywhere! No game board or pieces needed. No minimum or maximum amount of player. Just mix a little creative juices with your silly side and you’ve got a great game!
However, as easy as this game may be to start playing, coming up with new truths and fun dares is HARD! That’s where this amazing list of funny truth or dare questions comes in handy! Play for literally HOURS with this fun Truth or Dare “cheat sheet”!
Top 50 Funny Truth or Dare Questions Cheat Sheet:
Top 50 Truth Questions:
- What’s really more important: love or money?
- What’s the last thing you hit with your car?
- Name someone you’ve pretended to like but in reality you can’t stand.
- What was the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in bed?
- If you met a genie, what would your three wishes be?
- What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone else?
- Who was your worst kiss/lay ever?
- What’s the craziest thing you did high school?
- What’s the craziest thing you did in college?
- If you could write anyone on Earth in for President of the United States, who would it be and why?
- What’s the silliest thing you’ve done in front of a mirror?
- Have you ever used a toy in bed?
- What’s one thing you’d do if you knew there no consequences?
- Have you ever talked dirty?
- What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said about someone else?
- What’s something you love to do with your friends that you’d never do in front of your partner?
- Who are you most jealous of?
- Who/what is your most embarrassing obsession?
- Have you ever faked sick to get out of work/school?
- How old is the oldest person you’ve dated?
- How many selfies do you take a day?
- Describe the underwear you are currently wearing.
- How many times will you wear the same pants before washing them?
- Would you date your high school crush today?
- What’s your most embarrassing grooming habit??
- Where do most of your embarrassing odors come from?
- What’s one movie you’re embarrassed to admit you enjoy?
- Have you ever peed in a pool?
- Have you ever considered cheating on a partner?
- If you were a ghost, who would you haunt and why?
- What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever grown hair?
- Have you ever re-gifted? If so, what was it and who did you give it to?
- Have you ever cheated on a partner?
- Have you ever been naked in public?
- Where is the weirdest place you have peed?
- Have you ever ate a booger?
- Who’s your hall pass?
- What’s the last lie you told?
- What’s something that annoys you about the person to your L/R?
- Who here would you rather see naked?
- What’s the most embarrassing thing you have done for “love”?
- How often do you wash your sheets?
- What’s the grossest thing you do when you’re alone?
- Do you lie to the doctor when they ask how many alcoholic beverages you have in a week?
- What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a crowd?
- Have you ever stolen something from work?
- What’s your best pickup line?
- What’s the biggest secret you’ve kept from your parents?
- What’s your secret fantasy?
- Who in your family annoys you the most and why?
Top 50 Dares:
- With a straight face, use the best pick up line you can think of on the person on your R/L.
- Let the person on your R/L redo your hair.
- Let the person across from you do your makeup.
- Tell everyone the one physical thing that you are most self conscious about.
- Let the person on your R/L mix a drink of their choice and you have to drink it.
- Let the person on your R/L create a snack that you have to eat.
- Eat a handful of dry oatmeal.
- Put on a blindfold and try to figure out who the other players are just by touching their faces.
- Eat a spoonful of mustard.
- Do your best impersonation of Britney Spears dancing.
- Do your best impersonation of Morgan Freeman.
- Tell everyone about your first kiss. In detail!
- Turn all of your clothes backwards and wear them like that for the rest of the game.
- Let the person on your R/L post for you on Facebook.
- Let the person on your R/L text the last person you texted.
- Let the person on your R/L snap on your Snapchat.
- Let the person on your R/L post on your IG.
- Record yourself singing Baby Shark and upload it to YouTube.
- Burp the alphabet.
- Trade clothes with someone of the opposite sex.
- Tell everyone playing what celebrity they remind you of.
- Tell everyone playing what breed of dog they remind you of.
- Make out with your hand for 1 whole minute.
- Tell everyone which player you would rather kiss and why (cannot be your partner if they are playing).
- The person on your L picks the song. You must dance for the duration of the song.
- Act out a scene from your favorite movie.
- Speak in an accent until our next turn.
- Do a striptease to a song chosen by the person on your R.
- Do an impression of another player.
- Find the nearest pole (or something similar) and give your best pole dance for 1 minute.
- Call/go up to someone you don’t know and ask them out. Player on L picks the person you must ask.
- Wish someone on Facebook a Happy Birthday on their timeline (it cannot actually be their birthday).
- Call your crush and tell them they are adorable.
- Kiss the person on your R (on the lips).
- Rub noses with the person across from you.
- Serenade the person on your R.
- Lick whipped cream off the face of the person on your L.
- Call an Italian restaurant and try to order sushi.
- Pretend to be a dog until your next turn.
- Pretend to be cat for 5 minutes.
- Take someone’s socks off with your teeth.
- Lick the foot of the person on your L.
- When anyone in the group laughs, you must cluck and strut like a chicken for the rest of the game.
- Wear your socks on your hands for the rest of the game.
- Give the group a puppet show with your socks as hand puppets for 5 minutes.
- Wear your underwear on you head for the rest of the game.
- Let the person across from you draw glasses and a mustache on your face.
- Post the last picture you took to your social media. No explaination.
- Go live on Instagram and sing your favorite song.
- Have someone take your picture while you do your silliest face. Make that picture your new profile picture.
Now that you have this list of amazingly funny Truth or Dare questions, GET PLAYING!

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Aadiv S
This was such a fun article to read! Truth or Dare is a classic game that never gets old. Your collection of funny truth or dare questions had me laughing out loud. It’s great to have a list of lighthearted and entertaining questions for parties and gatherings. I can’t wait to try some of these out with my friends. Keep up the good work and keep the laughter coming!