Please Rewind, Be Kind
How many times do you lie awake at night because you are replaying the events of the day in your head? Are you wishing that you would have done something differently? Said something differently? Are you wishing that there was a rewind button that you could press to go back and change your reaction to something? Maybe you were rude or short with someone because they were inconveniencing your day. Was it a server at a restaurant, a co-worker, a customer, your spouse? Maybe you “flipped the bird” to a car that was driving too slowly when you were late for an appointment. It could be that you mumbled indecencies under your breath about someone but later found out that they heard your words. Or maybe you shooed off your child that wanted to play with you but you just HAD to send one more email. Are you wishing for a do-over? Do you wish that you could simply rewind to that moment and choose, instead, to be kind?
Related Post:
Dear fertile Myrtle, Kindly Shut the F*** Up
Anxiety, which is categorized by intense feelings of worry and fear, is the number one mental illness in America. It’s followed very closely with depression in the number two spot. Depression is prolonged sadness that results in low self-esteem and loss of interest.
Why do you think they have made their way to the top two most prevalent mental illnesses in America? Do you think it is influenced by the rise of social media and the comfort it gives those to say unkind things from behind a computer screen? Is it due to the increase in the rates of bullying in schools? Maybe it is because of the decline in human interaction due to technology and now from COVID regulations as well? The truth is that it is due to all of these things and countless more.
What can you do to help?
You may think that you can’t do anything to help decrease these numbers. You may think that is the job of professional psychologists/psychiatrists. However, go back to that night that you laid there wishing that you would have done something differently—been kind. Did you feel anxious that night? Did you feel a pit of worry in your stomach when you found out that the person you were talking ill of heard what you said? What did you feel when you saw that the car you sped around with your middle finger waving was a young kid that just got his license? Did you feel hopeless when you saw that look of disappointment in your child’s eyes as they walked away to play by themselves, again? These are all feelings of anxiety and depression. If your actions were different, and you instead chose to act with kindness, maybe you wouldn’t feel this way.
Is changing your actions going to cure someone with generalized anxiety disorder or major depressive disorder? No. However, it may contribute to not adding to the statistics. You never know what is going on in the life of another person at the time of your contact with them. So what is the harm in simply treating all people in the same manner you would like to be treated—kindly? Don’t you think you would also sleep better each night?
So I challenge you to please rewind, be kind.
In the world of “moving a mile a minute”, slow down before you react. Play out the situation with your knee-jerk reaction and see if you like the result. If not, then please rewind it in your head and choose a different course—choose to be kind.

Marisabel Park
I can feel so identified! I wish so many times I could rewind my actions, and specially chose kindness instead of (frustration, anger, desperation, etc). It is a mental muscle we need to train and is hard, but we need to be able to control it at the moment… unfortunately there is no rewind button at the of the day.
Nice post. I feel it is the information overload that is making us, rewind and rewind and rewind to nowhere.
Our brains process everything in our dreams too. I’m always dreaming about something that happened the previous day, but weirder.
Sarah Greig
Great post
Having a filter and thinking before you speak is so important.
Excellent post! I am sharing on my FB page where I have friends with all kinds of beliefs and I witness so much anger and anxiety daily on many of their pages. Cheers to kindness!
I LOVED this. Kindness is contagious and there needs to be so much more of it in this world.
Heather Behrends
I LOVE this post. It’s SO true. In our world of moving so quickly, we often “react” to situations instead of making an intentional “act.” And when we react, we tend to not be as kind as we can be. Pausing and taking deep breaths (if needed) has been hugely helpful for me to reduce how much I react and increasing how much I act and choose kindness. The world needs a lot more kindness right now.
Puja Kumari
Wow, such a great reminder on so many aspects. Among all these, I belive kindness is something we all should have.
Sarah Miller - Homeschooling 4 Him
This is so true! Our world would be such a better place if people chose to be kind no matter what.
Deb B
I absolutely love this. Instead of always looking at how “others” can do their part to make the world a better place, it’s so important to also have some accountability and look internally first. I agree – a lot of the things we feel towards something or someone has almost everything to do with something we are struggling with internally. It also helps me understand why some people struggle in general – they have things to work through themselves, and we don’t have to take what people say towards us so personally, especially if it’s hurtful. Obviously – there’s some self work that needs to be done. Absolutely love this point of view!
I have learned to not take things personally and it has helped me to always imagine the why behind the annoying or disrespectful actions of others. This helps me stay in my lane.
Flossie | SuperMomHacks
Interesting way to think about it. I agree, we all have our part to do to make the world a better place. Thankfully, I’ve learned that I am most likely to do/say things I regret when overtired, so I try to make sure I always get a good night’s sleep!
Fatima D Torres
These are wonderful reminders for us to keep in mind. Kindness does go along way.
Samantha Laycock
A reminder that we all need. Thank you!
I’ve been bad about this hear lately. With the general climate of the pandemic and politics it has brought out of ugliness in me.
Julie Christy
Kindness always wins! Sometimes we get too caught up in the difficulties of our own lives. In actuality if we can be kind in the midst of our own difficulties, the giver and receiver will benefit! I appreciate that you are bringing awareness to mental health issues. It’s so important to continue to raise awareness and decrease the stigma!
I’ve had a lot of those days that I wished for a do over lately. I’ve been so busy and stressed out that I lie awake at night thinking about everything. So I definitely understand.
Choose a different course. I like that! It’s a good reminder that we are in charge of our actions and reactions. Slowing down and taking deep breaths helps.
Kindness really does make such a huge difference. Especially in the moments when it doesn’t come easily!
I work in retail and there are so many people who are unkind. It would be great if everyone had this kind mindset. People are so quick to be mean!
This is a great reminder! Anxiety plagues me, and this has really helped me. Thank you for showing people they can make a difference in their own lives. Also thank you for fighting to end the stigma around mental health!