10 Best Tips and Tricks to Speed Up Your Metabolism
Metabolism is the rate at which the cells in your body break down the calories from food and turn them into energy for daily activities. There are some factors that a person has no control over when it comes to metabolism, such as: genetics, sex and age. However, there are also factors that we CAN control: body fat, muscle mass and energy level. By controlling these factors we are able to slow down or speed up our metabolism!
This article will outline the BEST ways to speed up your metabolism.
#1 Build and Maintain Muscle Mass
You can do this in one of three ways:
- Combination Training (resistance and aerobic exercise)
- High-Intensity Interval Training
- Weightlifting
**PRO TIP: Exercising in the morning for 30 minutes on an empty stomach is more effective for increasing the speed of your metabolism.
Related Post:
Customizable 30 Minute Total Body Workout
#2 Eating Foods High in Fiber
Foods that are high in fiber can speed up your metabolism due to the thermal effect. For it takes longer for your body to process foods that are high in fiber, such as:
- pears
- avacado
- coconuts
- raspberries
- bananas
- apples
- strawberries
- figs
- carrots
- spinich
- broccoli
- artichoke
- edemamme
- split peas
- beets
- kidney beans
- black beans
- chickpeas
- lima beans
- okra
- kale
- sweet potatoes
- brussel sprouts
- whole wheat pasta
- oats
- quinoa
- pearled barley
- millet
- flaxseed
- chia seeds
- brown rice
- almonds
- dark chocolate
- popcorn
**Check out my article, How to Make Epic Stovetop Popcorn, for a recipe that includes popcorn and avocado oil!
**PRO TIP: Add flaxseed naturally into your diet by using it as a substitute for eggs when baking! (One tbsp Flaxseed + 3 tbsp water + 5 minute wait = 1 egg)
Recipes with this Substitute:
Bonkers Brownies
Crazy for these Oatmeal Crazin “Cookies”
#3 Foods High in CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)
CLA is a healthy fat found in the digestive track of animals. Choosing certain meats and dairy that contain CLA can help to burn fat and build muscle. Foods that contain the highest amount of CLA include (from highest to lowest):
- grass fed beef
- cheese from grass fed cows
- whole milk from grass fed cows
- lamb
- whole milk
- buttermilk
- processed cheese (especially Swiss and Colby)
- plain yogurt
- butter
- sour cream
- cottage cheese
- low-fat yogurt
- ground beef (regular cows)
- 2% milk
- ice cream
- veal
- ground turkey
- chicken
- safflower oil
- egg yolk
- pork
- sunflower oil
- salmon
- coconut milk
#4 Foods High in Zinc
Zinc facilitates the production of THR (thyrotropin releasing hormone) which then stimulates the pituitary gland to produce TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). TSH helps to maintain your energy and your metabolism. Zinc is also found to help control your appetite. Foods high in zinc are:
- red meat
- shellfish
- legumes
- seeds
- nuts
- dairy
- eggs
- whole grains
- potatoes and other vegetables
- dark chocolate
(Men should shoot for around 11mg/day and women 8mg/day)
#5 Foods High in Catechins
Catechins help you burn more calories because they protect natural stimulants in the body that boost cellular activity. Foods high in Catechins include:
- beans
- green tea
- black tea
- apples
- apricots
- chocolate
- red wine
- cherries
- peaches
- red raspberries
- strawberries
- blackberries
- grapes
** Studies have shown that drinking 2 cups of Green Tea a day can raise your metabolism by about 50 cal/day. Experts also believe that it can lower body fat and prevent weight regain.
#6 Foods High in Selenium
Around 55-70 micrograms/day of Selenium will insure that your thyroid gland (metabolism regulating gland) continues to produce Epinephrine, TSH, Cortisol, Aldosterone and Testosterone. These hormones keep your metabolism ad energy level up. Foods high in Selenium include:
- shrimp
- tuna
- lobster
- oyster
- clams
- halibut
- tilapia
- anchovies
- sardines
- cod
- lamb
- turkey
- barley
- sunflower seeds
- Brazil nuts
- crimini mushrooms
- whole grains
- pork loin
- sunflower seeds
- salami
- bison
- rye
- eggs
- chicken
- turkey
#7 Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider vinegar has been shown to help:
- suppress appetite
- prevent fat accumulation and reduce fat storage
- rid your body of toxins
- facilitate digestion
- control blood sugars
**Never drink ACV straight. Start by dilluting 1tsp ACV with 8oz of water. Continue to increase the amount of vinegar until you reach 2 tbsp ACV with 8oz water. Drink 1-2 cups daily before a meal.
#8 Foods Containing Capsaicin
Capsaicin may increase metabolism by up to 20% for around 2 hours after you eat it. It does so by causing heat production in the body. The heat production burns more calories. Foods high in Capsaicin are peppers such as:
- habenero
- Jamaica
- African bird’s eye
- thai
- cayenne
- jalapeno
- anaheim
#9 Drinking Water
On average you should try to be drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water a day. Drinking 16oz of water 15-20 minutes before a meal can:
- Help to trick your body into feeling full. Thus, you eat less during the meal.
- Increase you resting metabolism up to 30% for about an hour!
#10 Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is when your digestive track repairs itself. Not getting enough sleep has even been linked to obesity; for the production of the hormone that makes you feel full (Leptin) is decreased.
6-10 hours of sleep a night is suggested for optimal metabolism.
**As with any adjustment to a diet or exercise program, please consult your doctor beforehand.
I definitely need to work on moving more and improving my metabolism this year.. i will be sure to refer to these tips
I was familiar with some of these, but not all. It is nice to have some ways to keep my metabolism up.
Love this! I especially like the fact that I can tell my husband to let me sleep so I can speed up my metabolism lol!
Anosa Malanga
I have read this post before and follow to eat some of the suggested fruits/foods and I must say it works well on me. I guess I need to continue to see better results before end of the year and moving forward.
Ice Cream n Sticky Fingers DFW parenting lifestyle blog
I know that I have not been eating very healthy lately. I’d like to change up my eating habits but it’s so hard because I love sweets. I’ve always had a sweet tooth but my depression and other things going on, I crave sweets even more. I’ll have to figure out how to make small changes so I can make it happen.
These are great tips, yes I need to speedup the metabolish need to change my food habits.
I didn’t know sleep would help! This is awesome. I’m taking Goli right now and it helps me a lot
monica young
I do know I need more sleep, since I started with insomnia, it has been harder to have energy
Everything Enchanting
Oh wow! These are such great tips to speed up our metabolism. I don’t drink sufficient water, I must work on it!
Tomi C
Catechins. I have never heard of these but am familiar with the health benefits of some of the foods in the list above.
Ruth I
I’m looking forward to achieve my goal specially this year with the lockdown happening. I’m having a struggle keeping my weight. Thanks for sharing this helpful tips. I’ll be trying your method.
Sandy N Vyjay
Metabolism is important for health and these are some really good tips, eating right is so important.
Gracelene Dela Cruz
It’s great to read this article. Now that I’m planning to lose some weight
Rose Ann Sales
I’m glad you included popcorn on the list. It’s my favorite snack!
Ruth I
I’ve been complaining how slow my metabolism is and glad i get to read this. I’m struggling how to balance out the foods I’m eating. Thank you for these great tips will definitely rely to this in my routine.
These are some great ideas. I need to try them out. I really need a lot more energy too.
Anosa Malanga
I gained a lot of weight this year and I am looking for something to read about high fiber foods. Glad I came over your post. This is very informative. I guess I need to speed up my metabolism too.
Life With Sonia
These are great tips. Drinking water is my favourite way to speed up metabolism.
Catalina @ Sweet and Savory MealsC
Love these lists. They are everything I need not only to speed up metabolism but also to stay healthy!
Mama Maggie's Kitchen
I know few people who have a very slow metabolism and I’m sure they will be glad to know these tips. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve recently lost some weight but am having trouble loosing more. I need to try some of these things out!
Ashley T
These are some great tips on boosting metabolism. I will definitely keep these in mind if my metabolism slows down.
melissa christine
These are some wonderful tips on speeding up metabolism! I like getting better sleep, eating better and coffee
This post is really informative, looking forward to implementing your tips.
Nikki Wayne
Great list,thanks for sharing! I’m keeping this in mind.
Monica Simpson
These are all great tips and something for me to really think about as I get older. I know my metabolism is going to slow down.
I have been blessed already with a speedy metabolism but I will keep these tips in mind if it ever slows down!
Halimeh Salem
Very nice weight loss tips! I will be pinning this.
I struggle with sleep and water, but these are all great tips to help stay healthy!
Crystal Carder
I’m getting to that age where I could use some of these tips, so thanks for sharing.
Pam Wattenbarger
I so needed this! I need to rework my habits as I’ve spent a lot of time baking since Covid struck.
I had a baby not too long ago and this is such a big help!!! Your food list is awesome…and also I had no idea you could substitute flaxseeds for eggs!
Drinking water is so important, I try to get in as much as I can every day!
Amber Myers
I need to try these out for sure. My metabolism has been fading as I get older and I hate it. It used to be amazing when I was younger.
These are great tips! Especially when people are looking to get healthy this New Years!