• a caring place

    A Caring Place | Cincinnati Nonprofits

    A Caring Place Pregnancy Help Center is one of the Cincinnati nonprofits geared toward helping women (and men) through an untimely pregnancy. Non-judgmental help and support will be provided to you as you navigate your options. Several other services, education, and assistance are provided by A Caring Place as well, at no cost to you. Services offered by A Caring Place: #1 FREE pregnancy testing **Photo ID required #2 FREE Ultrasound **When deemed appropriate me the center’s executive/medical director #3 Abortion information/consultation **Information provided to help mother make the best possible decision for her baby. A Caring Place does NOT perform/refer for abortion. #4 Adoption Information & Referrals **Discuss with…

  • toddler refuses to sit on potty

    Toddler Refuses to Sit on Potty | When to Start Potty Training

    Ready to start potty training but your toddler refuses to sit on potty? Maybe your child is showing all the “signs” that the potty training books you’ve read say to look for but you are still experiencing potty training refusal? I’ve been there, too. It can be so frustrating! However, these are simply signs of a strong-willed child. They just don’t want to do anything that isn’t “their idea”. They need to feel like they have control. So when potty training day comes, for kids like this, your potty training method is extremely important. How do you know that when your toddler refuses to sit on potty it’s because they are strong-willed? Do you hear, “I do myself!”, all…

  • what is brachycephaly

    What is Brachycephaly?

    My youngest daughter was recently diagnosed with severe Brachycephaly.  When our pediatrician first suggested that we go to see a specialist for an official diagnoses I had questions.  What is Brachycephaly?  What causes it?  Is it my fault? How can I fix it? At my daughters‘ two month check up our pediatrician expressed concern about the flatness of the back of my daughters’ head.  She advised us to keep her off of it as much as possible and she would reevaluate it at her four month appointment.   My daughter started rolling over at 2 months 6 days old.  She started sleeping on her stomach shortly after she mastered rolling.  Between…

  • best books to read on libby

    Best Books to Read on Libby While Rocking Your Baby

    As moms we spend a lot of time rocking our babies to sleep.  I don’t know about you but I find those middle-of-the-night, hour+ long, rocking sessions to be the most difficult to get up for and STAY up during!  I found myself having to scroll through Facebook on my phone just to keep myself awake!  That was until I discovered e-books, audiobooks and Libby.  Now I am actually excited when the baby wakes in the middle of the night because I get to see what happens next in the book I am reading!  So the books that I read have to be page turners!  So far, this is my…

  • how to make an adoption profile book

    How to Make an Adoption Profile Book

    Creating an adoption profile book is one of the last things that you will have to do before final approval during the adoption process.  An adoption profile book is a collection of text and pictures that represent you and your current family.  This is the only thing that a prospective birth mother may see before choosing prospective adoptive families for her child.  It can be extremely stressful to try to effectively capture everything about who you are in one book.  It’s a lot of pressure!  That is why I wanted to develop this step-by-step guide to creating a strong adoption profile book. Before you start writing your adoption profile book:…

  • unexplained infertility success stories

    Unexplained Infertility Success Stories | Halimeh’s Story

    Going through infertility was one of the hardest journeys in my life. I got married in 2016. I was 21 at that time. My husband and I decided we wanted children right away. We were financially stable and engaged for almost two years. Also, we knew each other well, and we didn’t see any reason we shouldn’t have children. So, we began trying to conceive. If you would like to read about unexplained infertility success stories, keep reading… Unexplained Infertility Success Stories | Halimeh’s Story:   First Four Months of TTC We began trying, but we weren’t really thinking much about it. I decided it will happen when it happens.…


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