• peanut butter truffle recipe

    Toddler Truffles | Easy Peanut Butter Truffle Recipe

    If you have been a follower of Struggle Shuttle, then you already know that I have a picky toddler!  If it’s not fries, candy or cake she probably won’t eat it.  She loves her sweets!  For example, she was perplexed the last time we were at the pediatrician as to why there wasn’t candy on the food pyramid!  If you have my article, Nutrition for Kids | 5 Nutrition Sneaking Hacks then you know that I am always looking for ways to sneak nutrition into my daughters’ diet!  I recently came up with this peanut butter truffle recipe that is packed with protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals!  My daughter loves…

  • what is brachycephaly

    What is Brachycephaly?

    My youngest daughter was recently diagnosed with severe Brachycephaly.  When our pediatrician first suggested that we go to see a specialist for an official diagnoses I had questions.  What is Brachycephaly?  What causes it?  Is it my fault? How can I fix it? At my daughters‘ two month check up our pediatrician expressed concern about the flatness of the back of my daughters’ head.  She advised us to keep her off of it as much as possible and she would reevaluate it at her four month appointment.   My daughter started rolling over at 2 months 6 days old.  She started sleeping on her stomach shortly after she mastered rolling.  Between…

  • unexplained infertility success stories

    Unexplained Infertility Success Stories | Halimeh’s Story

    Going through infertility was one of the hardest journeys in my life. I got married in 2016. I was 21 at that time. My husband and I decided we wanted children right away. We were financially stable and engaged for almost two years. Also, we knew each other well, and we didn’t see any reason we shouldn’t have children. So, we began trying to conceive. If you would like to read about unexplained infertility success stories, keep reading… Unexplained Infertility Success Stories | Halimeh’s Story:   First Four Months of TTC We began trying, but we weren’t really thinking much about it. I decided it will happen when it happens.…

  • springtime crafts for toddlers

    Springtime Crafts for Toddlers

    Spring is in the air!    Now it’s time to find springtime crafts for toddlers!  If your toddler is like mine then I know that you are CONSTANTLY looking for something hand on to entertain them!  I used to play the game of: look things up on Pinterest, pack the kids in the car to go get all the supplies and then come home exhausted to then make a mess I have to clean up as the result of the craft that did NOT turn out like the picture!  I had to break that cycle! Now I stock up on crafts for my toddler that are there for whenever I need…

  • what does a stay at home mom do

    What Does a Stay at Home Mom Do???

    There is a stigma around the title, ‘stay at home mom’.  Admittedly, I too, use to be one of those people that asked the question, “What does a stay at home mom do?”  Growing up I was taught that you get a job as soon as you can, work all your life and then retire.  I just couldn’t rap my head around not working.  So I assumed that stay at home moms just didn’t want to work, couldn’t work for some reason, or didn’t have to work.  I basically assumed that they were lazy…  Boy was I wrong!! I was initially forced to be a SAHM when I was laid…

  • how to structure your day 2

    How to Structure your Day as a SAHM | Plan your Day

    Before I became a SAHM I was under the impression that women that stayed at home with their children had all the time in the world… I was WAY wrong!  I was amazed at how quickly each day was passing, yet I felt like I was getting NOTHING DONE!  Because of this, I had to figure out how to structure my day as a SAHM so that I could optimize my time and gain that feeling of accomplishment each night.  So I compiled a list of tips that I follow each day and believe can help you  learn how to plan your day to get the most out each moment…


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