• thrift shop

    Thrift Shop Review | thredUP or thredDOWN?

    I was shopping at a thrift shop even before Macklemore made it cool. You can find some great stuff at consignment stores! The problem with it, however, is that the search for that perfect garment can take FOREVER! Now that I have two very young kids it’s hard to find the time or energy to spend on a thrift shop search. To make my life easier, I stopped thrift shopping and started doing all my shopping online. Then I came across thredUP. ThredUP is an ONLINE thrift shop and a game changer for all moms! Why shop at a thrift shop? Shopping at a thrift store is beneficial for the health of our…

  • why is mental health important

    Why Mental Health is Important | UpMore.Today Review

    Are you tired of the daily grind? Do you want to improve your mental health and well being to lead a more satisfying life? Have you been wondering how to find your purpose in life? Maybe you know why mental health is important for finding meaning in life but you just can’t seem to shake your demons? (This post is sponsored by UpMore.today.) I’ve been there too. Soon after my husband and I got married almost 10 years ago, we tried to start a family. Long story short, after over a year of disappointment month after month, then 5 years of tests, procedures, 4 rounds of failed IUI and 2 failed IVF cycles we turned to…

  • how to be vulnerable

    How to be Vulnerable | Why be Vulnerable?

    There is a lot of confusion around vulnerability.  Vulnerability is usually looked as a weakness.  That is because society tends to think that in order to be vulnerable you must expose your whole self.  However, spewing your guts about everything you are and every thought that you have is not how to be vulnerable.  So what is vulnerability? How can you be vulnerable?  Why should you be vulnerable? I was inspired to write this post after a trip to the zoo yesterday with my toddler and baby.  My toddler, by nature, is the absolute sweetest soul.  She is incredibly outgoing and friendly to everyone she meets.  She knows what strangers…

  • mother's day meaningful gifts

    Mother’s Day | Meaningful Gifts with Your Photos

    The most meaningful gifts that you can give your mom for Mother’s Day are personalized gifts.  When you were little and you made your mom a necklace out of yarn and colored pasta her face would light up.  That was because it was made by you specifically for her.  She knew that it was made with thought and love.  As adults, giving your mother a noodle necklace for Mother’s Day might not go over as well…  Luckily, there are companies like Snapfish that allow you to easily create personalized, meaningful gifts for any occasion.   I first started using Snapfish when I created our profile books for our adoptions.  I fell…

  • easy candy recipe

    Easy Candy Recipe | Jell-O Candy

    My toddler and I are OBSESSED with candy!  It’s safe to say that we spend a minor fortune on candy at our house. For example, when at the pediatrician, my toddler looked at the food pyramid and questioned why there wasn’t a candy category… So one day, we were both wanting candy and somehow didn’t have any at home.  We had to come up with something!  That was the day that I created this easy candy recipe!   I started with looking up different candy or gummy recipes and I found this one made with Jell-O but it also required gelatin.  I didn’t have any plain gelatin.   I decided to go…

  • easy easter side dishes

    Easy Easter Side Dishes | All You Need is a Microwave

    The holidays can be stressful!  Especially if you are doing the cooking!  With most of staying home this year for Easter, it may be the first time you have to cook Easter dinner!  Take the stress out of dinner prep with these seven easy Easter side dishes!   All you need for these amazingly easy Easter side dishes is a microwave!   Save yourself some time and the mess of cooking without sacrificing any flavor!  These easy side dishes never fail to impress!  All you’ll need is a microwave, a microwavable casserole dish with a lid and a few other staple kitchen tools (like a bowl and potato peeler) and you are…

  • best books to read on libby

    Best Books to Read on Libby While Rocking Your Baby

    As moms we spend a lot of time rocking our babies to sleep.  I don’t know about you but I find those middle-of-the-night, hour+ long, rocking sessions to be the most difficult to get up for and STAY up during!  I found myself having to scroll through Facebook on my phone just to keep myself awake!  That was until I discovered e-books, audiobooks and Libby.  Now I am actually excited when the baby wakes in the middle of the night because I get to see what happens next in the book I am reading!  So the books that I read have to be page turners!  So far, this is my…

  • nebula genomics review

    Nebula Genomics Review | 30x Whole-Genomics Sequencing

    Nebula Genomics is changing the world of DNA testing by offering whole-genome sequencing.  Founded by  George Church, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, Nebula Genomics‘ mission is to use whole genome sequencing to understand the causes of disease and develop gene therapies  to eventually cure genetic diseases.  Sequencing your DNA through Nebula Genomics will not only give you personal insight into your genetics, heritage and genetic dispositions but it will also contribute to the science of genetic testing/research.   Being a health science major myself and learning about Nebula Genomics and their mission, I was highly intrigued.  I wanted to purchase this particular kit because: Heritage/family history: I know a…


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