• springtime crafts for toddlers

    Springtime Crafts for Toddlers

    Spring is in the air!    Now it’s time to find springtime crafts for toddlers!  If your toddler is like mine then I know that you are CONSTANTLY looking for something hand on to entertain them!  I used to play the game of: look things up on Pinterest, pack the kids in the car to go get all the supplies and then come home exhausted to then make a mess I have to clean up as the result of the craft that did NOT turn out like the picture!  I had to break that cycle! Now I stock up on crafts for my toddler that are there for whenever I need…

  • you'll never know dear fb

    You’ll Never Know, Dear | The Meaning Behind the Design

    “You’ll Never Know, Dear” is a line from the famous song, “You are my Sunshine”.  My mom would sing it to me as a little girl all the time.  I had never really thought about the lyrics before adulthood.  However, now I find them relevant in so many situations.  I talked about  one meaning this song has  for me in my post, The 72 Hour Wait | An Adoptive Parent Prospective.  However, in that post, the lyric that had the most effect on my was, “Please Don’t Take my Sunshine Away”. However, “You’ll Never Know, Dear” is the lyric in the song that has had the most meanings throughout my…


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