• speed up metabolism pin

    10 Best Tips and Tricks to Speed Up Your Metabolism

    Metabolism is the rate at which the cells in your body break down the calories from food and turn them into energy for daily activities.  There are some factors that a person has no control over when it comes to metabolism, such as: genetics, sex and age.  However, there are also factors that we CAN control: body fat, muscle mass and energy level.  By controlling these factors we are able to slow down or speed up our metabolism!   This article will outline the BEST ways to speed up your metabolism. #1 Build and Maintain Muscle Mass You can do this in one of three ways: Combination Training (resistance and aerobic…

  • workout anytime

    Workout Anytime | Ultimate No Excuses Fitness Plan

    As a former Athletic Trainer, I was able to use my knowledge in combination with advice from others in my former field to create a workout plan that would fulfill my fitness goals yet not impact my busy days as a mom of a toddler and newborn! So I came up with this 3-Step Action Plan that is so easy to incorporate into ANY schedule!


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