• mother's day movie

    Mother’s Day Movie Night

    All momma really wants for Mother’s Day is to spend time with YOU! A Mother’s Day movie night is the perfect way to give mom what she wants! Relax at home, snuggle up with snacks, and bring back all the best childhood memories for your mom. In this article, you will find everything you need to surprise your mom with an irreplaceable, memorable evening with her baby! Related Post: What Does Mom Want | Gifts Mom Will Love Let’s start with the main dish…THE MOVIE! The perfect night starts with the perfect movie! Here are the BEST Mother’s Day movie options I could find. These movies are guaranteed to either…

  • a caring place

    A Caring Place | Cincinnati Nonprofits

    A Caring Place Pregnancy Help Center is one of the Cincinnati nonprofits geared toward helping women (and men) through an untimely pregnancy. Non-judgmental help and support will be provided to you as you navigate your options. Several other services, education, and assistance are provided by A Caring Place as well, at no cost to you. Services offered by A Caring Place: #1 FREE pregnancy testing **Photo ID required #2 FREE Ultrasound **When deemed appropriate me the center’s executive/medical director #3 Abortion information/consultation **Information provided to help mother make the best possible decision for her baby. A Caring Place does NOT perform/refer for abortion. #4 Adoption Information & Referrals **Discuss with…

  • 10 beauty hacks for girls

    10 Beauty Hacks for Girls Everywhere

    These are my best 10 beauty hacks for girls everywhere! If you already know me then you know that I love to look my best in the easiest and most inexpensive way possible! These 10 beauty hacks are it! These hacks are my bible of beauty and I am finally letting the cat out of the bag! I can’t wait to finally spill the beans about how easy and affordable being beautiful can be! Us moms especially need this list! It’s a struggle to find the time, energy, and money to take care of ourselves! However, taking care of yourself is the first step to becoming a better mom! How…

  • simple Halloween nails

    Simple Halloween Nails for Mom & Daughter

    Halloween is is meant for dressing up! Adding simple Halloween nails is such an EASY way to look festive! Manicures can be expensive and time consuming. Also, especially if you have kids, “easy” has probably become you way of life! So simply put on some black nail polish or try a fun Halloween nail art decal, sticker, or press on! I’m a mom of a toddler girl that loves to have her nails done. I am excited for the day when I can take her for her first manicure and pedicure! However, right now, getting her to sit still long enough for her nails to dry is just NOT happening!…

  • mother's day meaningful gifts

    Mother’s Day | Meaningful Gifts with Your Photos

    The most meaningful gifts that you can give your mom for Mother’s Day are personalized gifts.  When you were little and you made your mom a necklace out of yarn and colored pasta her face would light up.  That was because it was made by you specifically for her.  She knew that it was made with thought and love.  As adults, giving your mother a noodle necklace for Mother’s Day might not go over as well…  Luckily, there are companies like Snapfish that allow you to easily create personalized, meaningful gifts for any occasion.   I first started using Snapfish when I created our profile books for our adoptions.  I fell…

  • best books to read on libby

    Best Books to Read on Libby While Rocking Your Baby

    As moms we spend a lot of time rocking our babies to sleep.  I don’t know about you but I find those middle-of-the-night, hour+ long, rocking sessions to be the most difficult to get up for and STAY up during!  I found myself having to scroll through Facebook on my phone just to keep myself awake!  That was until I discovered e-books, audiobooks and Libby.  Now I am actually excited when the baby wakes in the middle of the night because I get to see what happens next in the book I am reading!  So the books that I read have to be page turners!  So far, this is my…

  • what does a stay at home mom do

    What Does a Stay at Home Mom Do???

    There is a stigma around the title, ‘stay at home mom’.  Admittedly, I too, use to be one of those people that asked the question, “What does a stay at home mom do?”  Growing up I was taught that you get a job as soon as you can, work all your life and then retire.  I just couldn’t rap my head around not working.  So I assumed that stay at home moms just didn’t want to work, couldn’t work for some reason, or didn’t have to work.  I basically assumed that they were lazy…  Boy was I wrong!! I was initially forced to be a SAHM when I was laid…

  • free programs pin

    FREE Programs That Give You FREE Cool Stuff

    I have a philosophy in life in which I refuse to pay for things that I can get for free.  That being said, there are A LOT of companies out there that offer “free” stuff but that it not actually the case.  I know that I am not the only person that has received an email or seen an ad that states something like, “Click Here for your FREE $1000 [insert company name her] Gift Card!” and clicked it just to find out that you have to sign up for at least two different monthly subscriptions first… Those things frustrate me!  However, among my search for ACTUALLY free things I…


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