• toddler refuses to sit on potty

    Toddler Refuses to Sit on Potty | When to Start Potty Training

    Ready to start potty training but your toddler refuses to sit on potty? Maybe your child is showing all the “signs” that the potty training books you’ve read say to look for but you are still experiencing potty training refusal? I’ve been there, too. It can be so frustrating! However, these are simply signs of a strong-willed child. They just don’t want to do anything that isn’t “their idea”. They need to feel like they have control. So when potty training day comes, for kids like this, your potty training method is extremely important. How do you know that when your toddler refuses to sit on potty it’s because they are strong-willed? Do you hear, “I do myself!”, all…


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