• sensory science

    Sensory Science Activity Ideas for Rainy Days

    You’ve probably heard of sensory activities and you’ve probably done several science projects before as well. However, have you ever mixed the two to create multi-educational sensory science activities??? If you’ve read my article, Parent Child Activities | 8 Efficiency Activities for Kids, then you know that I am all about multi-functional activities! Sensory science activities are just that! And as a SAHM I am always looking for educational activities for my kids to do even on rainy days! So what are sensory science activities and why are they beneficial for children? Let’s start with sensory play. What is sensory play/ sensory activities? Sensory play includes activities that stimulate your…

  • toddler refuses to sit on potty

    Toddler Refuses to Sit on Potty | When to Start Potty Training

    Ready to start potty training but your toddler refuses to sit on potty? Maybe your child is showing all the “signs” that the potty training books you’ve read say to look for but you are still experiencing potty training refusal? I’ve been there, too. It can be so frustrating! However, these are simply signs of a strong-willed child. They just don’t want to do anything that isn’t “their idea”. They need to feel like they have control. So when potty training day comes, for kids like this, your potty training method is extremely important. How do you know that when your toddler refuses to sit on potty it’s because they are strong-willed? Do you hear, “I do myself!”, all…

  • springtime crafts for toddlers

    Springtime Crafts for Toddlers

    Spring is in the air!    Now it’s time to find springtime crafts for toddlers!  If your toddler is like mine then I know that you are CONSTANTLY looking for something hand on to entertain them!  I used to play the game of: look things up on Pinterest, pack the kids in the car to go get all the supplies and then come home exhausted to then make a mess I have to clean up as the result of the craft that did NOT turn out like the picture!  I had to break that cycle! Now I stock up on crafts for my toddler that are there for whenever I need…

  • Focus

    You’ll Always Be My Baby

    That's when it hit me... She isn't going to the baby anymore. The center of my universe is going to have to share the spotlight from now on.


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