Unexplained Infertility Success Stories | Halimeh’s Story
Going through infertility was one of the hardest journeys in my life. I got married in 2016. I was 21 at that time. My husband and I decided we wanted children right away. We were financially stable and engaged for almost two years. Also, we knew each other well, and we didn’t see any reason we shouldn’t have children. So, we began trying to conceive. If you would like to read about unexplained infertility success stories, keep reading…
Unexplained Infertility Success Stories | Halimeh’s Story:
First Four Months of TTC
We began trying, but we weren’t really thinking much about it. I decided it will happen when it happens. My period kept arriving and I didn’t care. I went up to my husband and joked about not getting pregnant.
The next three months went smoothly. After trying for four months and not getting pregnant, I began thinking of the worst-case scenario. What if something is wrong with me? I tried to ignore my thoughts even though they kept coming back and I decided to read tips on how to conceive quickly.
Month Five, Six, and Seven of TTC
I began taking my body temperature and looking for signs of ovulation, and I tried buying ovulation kits but I was living in Palestine at the time. I went to every pharmacy. Unfortunately, none were selling ovulation tests.
I got my period every time. So, I called my sister who was living in the United States at the time. I asked her to send me some ovulation kits and she did. They worked like a charm. I could tell my hormones were in check because the ovulation kit turned positive on the same day of every cycle. But, I kept getting my period.
Month 8, 9, and 10 of TTC
I decided to not waste any time. I visited my OB/GYN and told her about my concerns. She laughed at me and told me to come back after a year of trying. I demanded to just get an ultrasound done to rule out major problems. She did the ultrasound and told me everything was great. She also took a blood sample and tested my hormones which all came back normal except my prolactin levels. It was too high. So, she gave me medicine and told me to come back to get tested again.
I was so relieved to know I had a simple problem. I took the medicine, and it worked. My levels were back to normal, but I was still not pregnant. I decided to ask my husband to get tested. He thought it was way too early to get tested, but he did it anyways for me. His tests came back completely normal. They were actually great!
Month 11 and 12 of TTC
I kept doing everything correctly, and again I kept getting my period. Once I hit one year of trying to conceive, and I got my period again, I cried in the bathroom and kept thinking there is something wrong. Wiping my face before leaving the bathroom, I saw my husband and I laughed and said “I am not pregnant!” He laughed back, but I know he knew I was a bit disappointed.
Month 13 of TTC
I went back to my OB/GYN alone and asked her to run a few more tests. She listened to me, and everything came back normal again. Also, she told me to be patient, it will happen. I left upset and decided to change my doctor.
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When Should You Seek Infertility Treatment?
Month 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 of TTC
I visited another doctor. They ran more tests and said again that there was nothing wrong. My husband got a new job offer in California, and we decided to leave Palestine. I was happy for my husband, but I really wanted to leave because I knew the fertility clinics in the US would be much better.
We left Palestine and flew to San Francisco. I kept thinking about visiting a fertility clinic, but I tried to be patient until we got settled.
I began working at an afterschool program, and I decided to change my diet. Eating much healthier and beginning to take Vitamin D and Ubiquinol to help improve my egg quality were the only steps I was taking. My husband began working out and eating healthier too.
After three months of eating healthier and taking supplements, I decided to visit a fertility clinic in San Ramon, CA. The doctor ran tests right away and told me everything was perfect. She also scheduled me for an HSG. An HSG is a diagnostic test to see if there is anything in the uterus or if the fallopian tubes are blocked.
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What Happens During Infertility Testing?
Month 19 of TTC
It was finally the day to get an HSG done. I was so excited even though I heard it would hurt, and I didn’t really care because it meant that I was one step closer to having a baby.
Once they inserted the dye, I kept staring at the screen. My heart began pounding because the dye was going in too slow. It reached the insides of my tubes but it wasn’t reaching my ovary. I began thinking there was something wrong. Finally, the dye reached my ovaries. I was relieved. They sent the results to my doctor, and they wouldn’t confirm everything was okay. I hate when they do that!
I waited and waited, and finally, my doctor sent me an email. She said everything was okay, and diagnosed my case as unexplained infertility.Â
I still tried that month even though I had no hope whatsoever, and guess what! I got pregnant the same month.
If you want to know how I found out I was pregnant, click here.
Hi! My name is Halimeh Salem. I am a Pre-K teacher and the mother of two beautiful children, Sama and Basem. I wanted to help other mothers through the journeys of conceiving, pregnancy, and motherhood. So, I founded my own blog, Crying Toddlers.

My sister struggled to conceive for more than 5 years. She spent a lot and finally gave up trying. She and her husband took a long vacation and she got pregnant 😉
What an inspirational story. Happy for you that you found success. Great that you are a resource for women trying to conceive.
Thanks for sharing your story with others to give them hope.
It happened to someone I know as well, they tried and tried and nothing happened then it just did.
I love hearing these kinds of stories. They’re amazing! It’s great when you get to hear such a happy ending to this.
Gervin Khan
Such a beautiful story. I felt your happiness after you knew you are pregnant.
I can say that God hears your prayers for giving you a baby, and we need to be thankful for that.
Monica Simpson
This is a very important topic to share with others. I think so many women out there will really appreciate your heart in sharing your journey.
I’m so glad there’s success stories for families trying to expand. Always makes me smile to hear about.
Nikki Wayne
Thanks for sharing your experience. I’ve heard about the “ovulation kits” before. Glad it worked great.
Infertility is such a hard thing to deal with. I love hearing stories like this that have a happy ending.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I really enjoyed this story.
Amber Myers
It is so awesome to see these success stories! I know they’ll have lots of people going through infertility.
Oh wow. I’m so glad you were finally able to conceive. I can’t imagine the struggle it must be and how demoralizing it must feel to try to get pregnant for so long without success. I’m so happy that you were able to finally get pregnant!
melissa chapman
This is such an amazing story and I also had a lot of trouble concieviving my second time. It takes a lot of patience and a loving, caring partner
Forever My Little Moon
I remember when we were trying and after 6 months I saw an OBGYN and was diagnosed with PCOS. Usually, they like to wait a year, but I had a history of irregular cycles, so they decided to do testing. I was going to start Clomid, but ended up getting pregnant before we could go that route! Did your partner ever get tested? It sounds like you did a lot, but it’s possible it was on your partner’s end, maybe he has slower swimming sperm? My OBGYN told us to get my husband checked as well when we were going through infertility. The whole experience made me realize just how much luck plays a part in pregnancy, timing has to be perfect!