when to seek infertility treatment

When Should You Seek Infertility Treatment?

Knowing when to seek infertility treatment is the first step.  It is also not an easy step.  You may not know it at the time, but you are actually starting the grieving process at this point.  You are more than likely in the stage of denial.  I know I was!  You don’t want to believe that you may not be able to have children of your own.  To read more about the stages of grief being present throughout infertility treatment you can read my post, Overcome Infertility | Recognizing the Stages of Grief.

when to seek infertility treatment

You should seek infertility treatment if:

  1. You have been actively trying, yet unable, to become pregnant after one year.
  2. If you are a woman over 35 that fail to become pregnant after 6 months of trying.
  3. You, as a woman, have an existing infertility condition (i.e. endometriosis, polyps, chronic medical condition, pelvic inflammatory disease, prior ectopic pregnancy, defect from birth, surgeries, etc…)
  4. If you have a prior diagnoses of and reproductive organ issues.
  5. Irregular menstruation (i.e. heavy, absent or more than 35 days between periods)
  6. Multiple miscarriages.
  7. Family history/suspected/identified male factor infertility.

Once you have made the HUGE leap and decided to seek infertility treatment you must then choose a doctor.  Choosing the right doctor is extremely important!  I found this out the hard way.  The first doctor that I saw during my struggle with infertility pushed us right into heavily medicated IVF for two unsuccessful rounds and was then terminated from his position. 

Our second infertility doctor was incredible (still unsuccessful, but incredible).  He is passionate and truly cares about his patients.  He does not treat you as a number or just dollar signs.  If you are in or around the Cincinnati, OH area, I would highly suggest Dr. Neo Chin.  However, if you are not, there are several ways to find the fertility doctor that is right for you!

how to choose and infertility specialist

Tips for choosing an infertility specialist:

  1. Recommendations from friends/family that have been through it. You may not realize it but 33% of Americans have been through some form of infertility treatment.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  However, if you have not gotten to the point of talking to friends and family about your struggle there are other outlets for information.
  2. Facebook is one of those outlets. If you search through Facebook groups you will find several infertility groups.  Try to find a group that’s members reside in your general, geographical location.  Ask them where they recommend getting infertility treatment.
  3. Referral from your primary care physician or your gynecologist. Those in the industry know the industry the best.  If you have a doctor that you trust ask for their recommendation for your treatment.
  4. Last resort, Google it! If you aren’t talking to anybody about your situation, you can turn to trusty, old Google!  Make sure that you read all the reviews and recommendations.

**If at any point during treatment you feel uncomfortable with your choice of doctor, SWITCH doctors!  Infertility treatment is expensive!  Do not waste your money and your time with someone that you don’t trust with this very delicate situation!

So now you have finally decided to seek infertility treatment and you have chosen a doctor.  Now the question is, “What happens during infertility testing?”




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